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Friday, March 11, 2011

Which is the best speaking language in Asia? (comment from Yahoo)

India or Philippines: Which Country is Asia's Largest English-speaking Nation?
My work as a logistics and travel consultant brings me to many places, particularly to countries in Asia. A friend once asked me which countries in Asia I've been to I find conversing easy. I had three ready answers: Singapore, Philippines, and India, though not necessarily in that order.

I remember quite well how some of my friends in the Philippines (including my regular host whenever I'm in that country) confidently reminded me that their country is considered to be the largest English-speaking nation in Asia and that, therefore, I won't have any difficulty conversing with its local folks. However, I have to disagree with this claim (that the Philippines is Asia's largest English-speaking nation) since I believe that distinction really belongs to India.

By the sheer number of its population, India, formerly a British colony, is Asia's largest English-speaking nation. Its over 1 billion population far exceeds that of the Philippines' 87 million. Like the Philippines, English is also one of India's official languages. India's middle class of over 300 million is predominantly English-educated, which tells us that English is a common language there, especially among the ruling classes. This is not to mention the millions more in rural India who speak at least basic English.

While it is true that many Filipinos speak and understand English, the question is: what kind of English? It is not enough that one can speak English. Proficiency in English entails proper grammatical usage.

True, the Filipino middle class, like its Indian counterpart, is predominantly English-educated. But it is far smaller in number than India's middle class. But in the countryside, where the majority of Filipinos live, is completely another matter. Poverty simply does not permit the vast majority of Filipino children to have the luxury of proper English training.

Many rural Filipinos speak just enough English, if at all, to be understood. But correct, grammatical English is lacking. Then there is the issue of American English and British English and the relevant accents - an issue that's not being debated here.


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